BS Botany Syllabus / Course Outlines Sargodha University

BS Botany 1st Term / Semester

ISL-Studies: Islamic Studies
PKS-101: Pakistan Studies
ENG-101: English-I (Functional English)
CHEM-181: Physical Chemistry (New Scheme)
CHEM-1: Physical Chemistry (Old Scheme)
ZOL-111: Principles of Animal Life (Old Scheme)
ZOL-101: Principles of Animal Life (New Scheme)
BOT-111: Diversity of Plants (Old Scheme)
BOT-101: Diversity of Plants (New Scheme)

BS Botany, 2nd Term / Semester

ZOL-102: Diversity in Animal Invertebrates
BOT-102:Plant Systematic, Anatomy and Development /Embryology
CHEM-102:Inorganic Chemistry
ENG-102/302:English- II “Communication Skills”


PKS-102: Pakistan Studies

BS Botany 3rd Term / Semester

BOT-203: Cell Biology Genetics & Evolutions (Old Scheme)
BOT-203: Cell Biology Genetics & Evolutions (New Scheme)
CHEM-203: Organic Chemistry (Old Scheme)
CHEM-271: Organic Chemistry (New Scheme)
ENG-203: English-III (Old Scheme)
English-III “Technical Report Writing & Presentation Skills” (New Scheme)
COM-203: Computer Applications (Old Scheme)
COMP-203: Introduction to Information and Communication Technologies (New Scheme)
ZOL-203: Diversity of Animal Chordates (Old Scheme)
ZOL-203: Diversity of Animal Chordates (New Scheme)

B.S Botany, 4th Term / Semester

ZOL-204: Principles of Animal Physiology
MATH-201: Mathematics for Biological Sciences
BOT-204: Plant Physiology & Ecology
CHEM-204: Chemistry Special Topic
ENG-204: English Commutation Skills
PSY-ES-204: Social Psychology

BS Botany 5th Term  / Semester

BOT-305: Biostatistics
BOT-306: Bacteriology and Virology\
BOT-307: Phycology & Byrology
BOT-308: Mycology & Plant Pathology
BOT-309: Diversity of Vascular Plants
BOT-310: Plant Systematics

B.S Botany, 6th Term / Semester

BOT-311:Anatomy of Vascular Plant
BOT-312:Genetics- I
BOT-313:Plant Biochemistry- I
BOT-314:Plant Ecology- I
BOT-315:Plant Physiology- I
BOT-316:Molecular Biology

BS Botany 7th Term / Semester

BOT-417: Plant Biochemistry-II
BOT-418: Plant Ecology-II
BOT-419: Plant Physiology-II
BOT-420: Genetics II
BOT-439: Air-pollution Management Strategies
BOT-441:Plant Stress Physiology

BS Botany 8th Term / Semester


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