Development Economics Theory and Policy, MA Economics Sargodha University Past Papers 2015

Sargodha University MA Economics Paper-IX Development Economics Theory and Policy Past Papers 2015

Here you can download Past Papers of Paper-IX Development Economics Theory and Policy, MA Economics Part Two, 1st & 2nd Annual Examination, 2015 University of Sargodha.

Development Economics Theory and Policy UOS Past Papers 2015

M.A. Economics Part – II

Paper-III(Development Economics)1st A.2015

Time: 3 Hours                                  Marks:100

Note: Objective part is compulsory. Attempt any four questions from subjective parts

Objective Part

Q.1:Write short answers of the following on your answer sheet in two lines only.                                 (2*10)

  1. Development Economics.
  2. Economic Development.
  3. Economic Dualsim.
  4. Brain Drain
  5. Take-Off Stage
  6. Tied Aid.
  7. Physical Quality of life indicator
  8. Absolute Poverty
  9. Balance Growth Strategy
  10. Balance of Trade.

Subjective Part

Q.2:     Why the whole world is not developed? Discuss in the light of salient features of LDCs.

Q.3:     “Per capita income is considered just a rough estimate of economic development”. Discuss the statement in the light of solid arguments.

Q.4:     Discuss the rational of foreign assistance in the light of Two Gap Mode.

Q.5:     Developing countries should prefer trade or aid? Discuss in the light of Pakistan’s experience.

Q.6:     Critically analyze Harrod Domer Mode.

Q.7:     Write short note on the following:

  1. Relative Poverty
  2. Urbanization and Environmental Issues.

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