Home Economics BA Syllabus Sargodha University



 (Outlines of Courses)

B.A Home Economics Examination will consist of two theory Papers A and B of 70 and 60 marks respectively and a practical examination of 70 marks covering practical training in the areas of Food and Nutrition, Clothing and Textile, Home Management and Related Art. The examination will also include exhibition of two years work and file.

Paper A will be offered in the 3rd Year and Paper B in the 4th Year.

Distribution of marks is given below:


Paper A (Theory):

Child Development and Family Relations

Clothing and Textiles and

Related Arts (Theory):

70 Marks


Three Hours



Child Development and Family Relations



Clothing and Textiles



Related Art





Paper B (Theory):

Food and Nutrition and Home Management

 60 Marks


Three Hours



Food and Nutrition



Home Management






 Annual four hours practical examination of 70 marks in Food and Nutrition, Clothing and Textiles, Home Management and Related Art will be held. The examination will also include exhibition of two years work and file.

Division of marks is given as below:-




Food and Nutrition Practical Examination



Viva in Food and Nutrition



Clothing and Textiles Practical Examination



Year’s work in Clothing and Textiles



Related Arts year’s work



Home Management year’s work



One file covering all areas referred above





 (Syllabi and Courses of Reading)

Paper A:

Child Development and Family Relations, Clothing and Textiles and Related Art (Theory):

Part 1

Child Development and Family Relations

The Child and his Family

    • Definition of the Family
    • Family life cycle (Stages)
    • Function of the Family


Socialization of Children


Economics benefits


Assurance of Security




Giving Basic Values of Life through Religious and Cultural Training.



    • Role of needs, motives and valves in the development of children
    • Social change and its effect on family patterns.

Factor Affecting Family Relationships:

Cultural variation and relationships of family members with special emphasis on preparation for (a) marriage  (b) motherhood and fatherhood (c) relations within laws.

Personality Development:

    1. Inter-relation of the different factors afflicting personality development, i.e. physical mental social, and emotional.
    2. Importance of education on the total personality development.
    3. Variations of personality and individual differences.
    4. The components of healthy personality leading to emotional maturity, i.e. sense of trusts autonomy, initiative and integrity.

Tensions and conflicts in the family:

  1. Causes of tensions.
  2. Ways of resolving conflicts,
  3. Adjustment mechanism such as rationalization, projection, sublimation and displacement.

Theory:         20 Marks

Practical:       20 Marks

Part I1

Clothing and Textiles:          (Theory):

  1. Concept of Dress in Islam.
  2. Factors affecting selection of Clothes.
    • Age, figure and complexion of the weares.
    • Occupation, income and size of the family.
    • Climate and occasion.

3. Clothing for Children

    • Selection of design texture, colour and fabrics.
    • Psychological effect.

4. Care and Storage of Clothing

    • Laundering, finishing and seasonal storage of clothes. (silk, cotton, blends, rayon and nylon).
    • Stains on clothes, their nature and me hod of removal.


1- Removal of stains from different types of fabrics i.e., removal of ink, tea, blood, curry, grass and lipstick stains.

2. Children’s garments.

  • Basic bodice block (Frock).
  • Shorts (Nickers for a boys)

3. Samples with minimum of 10 different stitches.

  • Herringbone
  • Satin Stitch.
  • Steam Stitch.
  • Blanket Stitch.
  • Button hole Stitch.
  • Knot Stitch.
  • Lazy daisy Stitch.
  • Chain Stitch.
  • Ladder Stitch.
  • Any regional Stitch selected by teacher.

4. Embroidery Project:

Six napkins, tea cosy, tray cover


Table cloth and six napkins.


Two trolley covers and or tea cosy.

Theory:         20 Marks

Practical:       15 Marks

Part ‘II1’

Related Art            (Theory):

1. Objective of Arts: Training in daily life.

2. Design in the home:

    • Elements
    • Principles

3. Colour in Home:

    • Significance of colour in the home.
    • Colour and space.
    • Colour and light.
    • Colour and texture.


  1. Tie and dye.
  2. Vegetable printing.
    • Preparing invitation and greeting cards, etc.


  1. A Tie and dye project.
  2. Greeting cards (At least six)

Paper B:   Food and Nutrition and Home Management:

Time:           03 Hours

Theory:        30 Marks

Practical:      15 Marks

Part – I:    Food and Nutrition:

Significance of Food and Nutrition:

  • Definition of Food and nutrition.
  • Importance of nutrition for health and well being of the individual, family and nation.
  • Sign of good nutrition.

Constituents of Food:

  • Carbohydrates, fats and proteins.
  • Vitamins – soluble i.e., A.D.E. and K. Water soluble i.e., thiamin, niacin, riboflavin, antithetic acid, folic acid, ascorbic acid, ascorbic acid and B 12.
  • Minerals – Calcium, Iron, Phosphorus, Sodium-Chloride and Iodine.

Basic Food Groups:

Composition and nutritive value of the following foods:

  • Fruits and vegetable.
  • Milk and milk products.
  • Meat, fish, poultry and eggs.
  • Fats and oils.

Principles for Planning Balanced Diets:

  • Nutritional requirements of different age groups under different conditions.
  • Principles of menu planning. Factors to be considered, regarding nutritive value, palatability, texture, colour, flavour, money available, time and energy management, number of people to be served and occasion. Basic principles of selection, purchase, care and storage of food in the home.
  • Sign of good nutrition.

Common methods of cooking food: frying stewing, baking, boiling and steaming.


  1.  Plan a series of menus for low cost and medium cost breakfast and lunch to meet dietary requirements of adults, teenagers, children and infants.
  2. Modify regular menu for different conditions, such as illness, pregnancy, atiotcain obesity and old age.
  3. Prepare breakfasts and lunches including foods with meat, eggs fish, milk, vegetables, fruit and starch.

 Note:-      At least eight cooking practicals should be held during one year.

Theory:         30 Marks

Practical:       15 Marks

Part II

Home management               (Theory):

Definition and Scope of Management:-

  • Management, its importance and process.
  • Goals and values. Definition and importance.


  • Kind of resources. Resources and their relationship to management.
  • Management of time and energy. Fatigue, its causes and methods of control.
  • Lay out of work area and equipment.

Management of Family Income:-

  • Kind of income, ways and means of increasing income.
  • Budgeting, its importance, purposes and advantages.
  • Importance of saving and methods of saving.

Equipment in the home:-

  • Evaluation of kitchen equipment.
  • Evaluation of cleaning equipment.
  • Maintenance of common household equipment, i.e., any type of stove or choolah in the kitchen, cooking utensils etc.

 (2)   Various methods of care and cleaning:-

  • Cleaning of floors and floor coverings, upholstery and wood work (Furniture).
  • Cleaning of metal work.
  • Cleaning of walls, window and window panes.


  1. Time plan for a day, a week.
  2. A study of floor plans of kitchens and an evaluation of family kitchen.
  3. Storage in the
  4. Recipes and methods of using home-made polishes and cleaning agents.
  1. Use of polishs.
  • Silver polish.
  • Brass polish.
  • Furniture polish.

5. Cleaning of window pane, floor covering, upholstery, metal objects.

6. Spring cleaning of the house.

 Note:-     A file will be maintained on all the learning experiments which are listed under the practicals.




 (Outlines of Courses)   

Paper:  . .         . .         . .         . .         . .         . .         . .            Marks 100


 (Syllabi and Courses of Reading)    


Child Development Family Relations:- . .         . .         . .           25

  • Introduction to the study of family life:-
    • Meaning of Family Relations and Child Development, Cultural, Social, Economics Status conferring factors in relations with the family.
    • A brief account of different stages of the family life cycle.
  • The child and his parents:-

Parental development – environmental influences, expectant mother – new born baby.

  • Family Interaction:-

Adult Behaviour and Personality – Basic Trust, Care of Family Crisis – Illness – Death, Divorce Discretion in view with the social and cultural analysis.

  • Clothing: . .                 . .             . .             . .             . .             . .                25
    • (a) Selection of clothes in accordance with personal characteristics: keeping the art, principles and elements in mind; colour, line, design, fabric texture.
    • Care and storage of clothing:-
      • Influence of the physiological and economic factors on families and their clothing.
      • Stain Removal.
      • Seasonal Storage – Silk, wool and synthetics.
  • Food and Nutrition: . .                25
    • Definition of Food and Nutrition.
    • Functions of food – (a) Energy yielding foods, (b) Body building foods (c) Protective foods.
    • Sources and functions of nutrients – carbohydrate, fat, protein, minerals and vitamins.
    • Nutritive value of foodstuffs – cereals and millet, pulses, meat, fish, eggs and poultry, fruits and vegetables, milk and milk products, nuts and oilseeds, fats and oil, carbohydrate foods, condiments and spices.
    • Effects of cooking on the nutritive value of foods.
    • Requirements of dietary essential principles of meal planning. Planning menu of breakfast, lunch and supper for children, adults and industrial agricultural workers.
  • Home Managements:            25
    • Home Management – its importance in the home.
    • Steps of management – planning, controlling and evaluation.
    • Ways of improving standard of living by good management of family resources.
  1. Money management – techniques.
  2. Budget purposes; making budgets according to various levels of income.
  3. Equipment in the home; evaluation of equipment pieces and their comparisons.
  4. Care and storage of home equipment, developing colour schemes for one’s home.


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