Modern Poetry, MA English Sargodha University Past Papers 2017

Sargodha University MA English Paper-VI Modern Poetry Past Papers 2017

Here you can download Past Papers of Paper-VI Modern Poetry, MA English Part Two, 1st & 2nd Annual Examination, 2017 University of Sargodha.

Modern Poetry UOS Past Papers 2017

M.A. English Part – II

Paper-I(Modern Poetry)1st A. Exam.2017

Time: 3 Hours                                         Marks:100

Note: Objective part is compulsory. Attempt any four questions from subjective part.

Objective Part

Q.1: Write short answers of the following in two lines each on the answer book.           (2*10)

  1. What is mysticism?
  2. What do “Songs of Innocence” signify?
  3. Define romanticism.
  4. Define pantheism.
  5. Why did Wordsworth pay his first visit to Tintern Abbey in 1793?
  6. Define Ode.
  7. Why does Keats call urn “Sylvan Historian”?
  8. Explain “Those were pearls that were his eyes”.
  9. What is the significance of “Uneven Lines”?
  10. Why does Shelley call the west wind “destroyer and preserver”?

Subjective Parts

Q.2:     Bring out clearly the transition from the “Songs of Innocence” to the “Songs of Experience”.

Q.3:     Critically examine Wordsworth’s poem “Ode: Immortality”.

Q.4:     “Shelley’s poem “Hymn to Intellectual Beauty” reveals his rejection of orthodox belief”. What is your opinion after reading this poem?

Q.5:     Discuss Keats as a writer of Odes.

Q.6:     “The Wasteland” by T.S. Eliot reveals moral bankruptcy of the modern civilization. Elucidate.

Q.7:     Critically examine “The Second Coming” by W.B. Yeats.                                        OR

“Philip Larkin is the saddest soul on the modern world’s supermarket”. (Eric Hamburgar). Elucidate.


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