Pakistan and the Modern World – Modern Essays Notes

Q No. 01: –

                        Write a note on two nation theory?


                   Explain the reasons of creation of Pakistan?


                        “Pakistan and the Modern World” is an address of Mr. Liaqat Ali Khan, delivered at University of Kansas in America. In his address he told the Americans how and why Pakistan was created. He had chosen the subject because of two reasons. Firstly, he knew that the university had given the degree to his country and not to him. So, his country should talk to them. Secondly, he wanted to introduce Pakistan. He also wanted to point out some the links between Pakistan and America.

                        He explained the circumstances which led to the creation of Pakistan. He said that the Muslims and the Hindus lived together in Sub-continent (United India) for centuries. One hundred million Muslims lived in India before independence. They lived in a country where Hindus lived in majority. The Muslims and Hindus differed sharply in their mode of living. These differences were related to religious, economic and political matters.

                        The two nations were differed almost in every field of life. The Muslims believed in one God but the Hindus believed in many gods. The Muslims believed in Prophet of Arabia (Hazrat Muhammad SAW), where the Hindus did not. The Hindus believed in a caste system. People of lower cast could not eat with the people of upper caste. Even he could not touch to any person of upper caste. On the other hand, the Muslims believed in equality of all men.

                        Their economic outlooks were also very different. The Muslims believed in the right of private ownership for every man and woman. They had a full set of laws of legacy. Their economic institutions discourage the accumulation of wealth. The Hindus did not have such laws.

                        The Muslims were backward economically, educationally and industrially, while the Hindus had upper hand in these fields. Muslims knew that they have to live as perpetual (permanent) minority. So, the freedom from British rule meant nothing. They wanted freedom from Hindus too.

Q. No. 02: –

How Liaqat Ali Khan did justified the demand of Muslims for a separate home land?


                        Liaqat Ali Khan explained that creation of Pakistan was very essential. It led the foundation for the peace and prosperity of world. He gave the following arguments.

                        The Muslims fulfilled the basic requirement of being a nation. The area of Sub-continent was very vast. Therefore, it was very difficult to govern (run) it under one government. There were always be chances of un stability under one rule.

                        He also gave the reasons of creation of Pakistan. He said that the Muslims and the Hindus lived together in Sub-continent (United India) for centuries. One hundred million Muslims lived in India before independence. They lived in a country where Hindus lived in majority. The Muslims and Hindus differed sharply in their mode of living. These differences were related to religious, economic and political matters.

                        The two nations were differed almost in every field of life. The Muslims believed in one God but the Hindus believed in many gods. The Muslims believed in Prophet of Arabia (Hazrat Muhammad SAW), where the Hindus did not. The Hindus believed in a caste system. People of lower cast could not eat with the people of upper caste. Even he could not touch to any person of upper caste. On the other hand, the Muslims believed in equality of all men.

                        Their economic outlooks were also very different. The Muslims believed in the right of private ownership for every man and woman. They had a full set of laws of legacy. Their economic institutions discourage the accumulation of wealth. The Hindus did not have such laws.

                        The creation of Pakistan maintained the peace of Asia. So due to these reasons Muslims ask for a country of their own.

 Q. No. 03: –

Do you think that Mr. Liaqat Ali Khan laid down the outline of Pakistan’s foreign policy?


What are the expectations of Mr. Liaqat Ali Khan from America and western world?


                        In this essay Mr. Liaqat Ali Khan appreciates the role of America and the western world. He tells them that Pakistan is a new born democracy. It is a poor country. Therefore, America and western world can play important role in the development of Pakistan. Because they have knowledge, skill and experience.

                        Now the world has new born Asian countries on its map. And these countries constitute a major part of the world. These countries can not make progress without your kind co-operation. And world will not enjoy complete progress without these countries. So, we are all looking forward to America and western world for progress.

                        America has achieved progress in both the fields of production and democracy. Pakistan wants to be benefited from its experience and knowledge. Pakistan has warm relation with America.

                        Liaqat Ali brings Pakistan and America close together. The aim of both these countries is peace and progress of humanity.

                        So we can say that Liaqat Ali Khan’s address provides and outline of Pakistan’s foreign policy.

Q. No. 04: –

In this essay Liaqat Ali Khan has given the real meaning of freedom. Discuss it?


                        Mr. Liaqat Ali Khan does not agree to the common meanings of freedom. He says that freedom does not mean freedom only from foreign domination. It is an old idea. He gives his own meanings of freedom to the world.

                        He says that freedom is a great wealth and treasure. It can not gift to any nation of person. It is won and earned. A nation has to fight for his freedom. It has to give big sacrifices to win it. A free nation must maintain his freedom.

                        The real freedom means freedom from illiteracy, disease, poverty and suffering. As free nation we have to take our rightful place in the modern world. Therefore we should go forward at double pace for development in every field of life.

Note: –

            This essay is an address delivered by Mr. Liaqat Ali Khan (first Prime Minister of Pakistan) in University of Kansas at America in 1950. Mr. Liaqat Ali Khan was granted degree of honor by the University. In this address he told the Americans why Pakistan was created. He explained two nations theory and also gave the justifications of creation of Pakistan and closed both the countries Pakistan and America together. His address provided an outline for Pakistan foreign policy.


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