Past Papers of Pakistan Studies Compulsory ADA/ADS/BA / B.Sc University of Sargodha 2023
Download All past papers of Pakistan Studies Compulsory for the candidates of ADA/ADS/BA/B.Sc (Associate Degree in Arts and Science) enrolled in Sargodha University as private students or as regular students in Affiliated Colleges of Sargodha University Annual and Supplementary Examination, 2023.
Pakistan Studies Compulsory ADA/ADS/BA/B.Sc 2023 Past Papers
Note: Attempt any two questions. All questions carry equal marks.
- Write a detailed note on the educational and social services of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan.
- What was Khilafat Movement and what were its impacts on Muslims of India?
- Describe the relationships of Pakistan with Muslim countries.
- Write short note on any two of the following.
- a) Tashkent Declaration
- b) Objective
- c) Pakistan’s Role in `War on Terror’
Note: Attempt any two questions. All questions carry equal marks.
- Analyze the historical evolution of Two Nation Theory.
- Discuss in detail the present relations of Pakistan with China.
- Write a detailed note on the problems of agriculture sector of Pakis
- Write short note on any two of the following.
- a) The Partition Plan-3 June 1947
- b) Kashmir Issue
- c) 18th Amendment

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