Psychology Syllabus/Course Outlines Associate Degree in Arts/Science (ADP) Sargodha University


Applied Psychology-I

Total Mark: 100

Appendix ‘A’

(Outlines of Tests)

Paper-A:          Basic Concepts in Psychology (Written)                    : 80 Marks
Paper-B:          Experiments in Psychology (Practical)                       : 20 Marks

Appendix ‘B’

(Syllabi and Courses of Reading)

Paper-A:        Basic Concepts in Psychology   80 Marks

Introduction to Psychology:

Definition; Brief historical background and schools of Psychology; Careers & Specialization in Psychology.

Research Methods in Psychology:

Observation (Naturalistic and Field study); Case history. Experimental Method, Survey; Interview.

 Statistical Analysis in Psychology:

Definition and Importance of Statistics in Psychology Graphic Representation

Measures of Central Tendency: Mean Median and Mode. Measures of variability: Standard deviation

Correlation: Pearson Product-moment & Rank Order.

Biological Basis of Behavior:

Brain Structure and Functions, Nervous System, Neurons, Parts of Nervous System; Endocrine glands.

Sensation and Perception:

Sensation: Characteristics of Sensation. Visual Sensation: Structure and Functions of the eye, Auditory Sensation Structure and Functions of the ear

Perception: Factors in perception, types of perception, perceptual organization; perceptual problems illusions and Hallucinations.


Definition and Classification; Primary (Biogenic) Motives Secondary Motives; intrinsic and Extrinsic Motives; Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation; Theories of Motivation.


Definition; Components of Emotion; Theories of Emotion. Expression of Emotions and Psychological Well being.

Learning and Conditioning:

Definition and Types; Classical and instrumental conditioning; Learning throughImitation; Cognitive learning.


Definition; Types of Memory; Models of Memory; Memory Processes: Retention, Recall, Recognition and Retrieval; Forgetting, Theories of Forgetting; Improving Memory; Mnemonics.


Definition; Types (Realistic Autistic thinking, Creativity, problem solving); Tools of Thinking; Imagery; Language; Concepts.


Definition; Theories of Intelligence; Assessment of Intelligence


Definition; Theories of Personality, Assessment of Personality

Paper-B:         Experiments in Psychology (Practical)      20 Marks

Practical Note Book:              05 Marks

Practical Examination:         10 Marks

Viva Voice:                                05 Marks

List of Experiments:

  1. Muller-Lyer Illusion
  2. Transfer of Training
  3. Memory using Meaningful vs Nonsense Syllables
  4. Size Constancy
  5. Personality Assessment (Projective technique)
  6. Retroactive Inhibition vs Proactive Inhibition
  7. Reaction Time
  8. Maze Learning

Recommended Books:

  1. Smith, E. E., Nolen-Hoeksema, S., Fredrickson, B. L. & Loftus G. R. (2003). Introduction to Psychology. USA: Thomson Learning.
  2. Passer, M. W. & Smith, R. E. (2007). Psychology: The Science of Mind and Behavior.
  3. New York, NY:McGraw-Hill.
  4. Myers, D. G. (2001). Psychology (6thed.). USA: Worth Publishers.
  5. Breakwell, G. M., Smith, J. A. & Wright, D. B. (2012). Research Methods in Psychology.
  6. London:SAGE Publications.
  7. Carlson N. R- (2005). Foundations of Physiological Psychology. (6thed.). India: Pearson Education.
  8. Blake, R. &Sekuler, R. (2006). Perception (5thed.). USA: McGraw-Hill.
  9. Domjan, M. (2005). The Essentials of Conditioning and Learning. (3rded.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.
  10. Wilson, B. A. (2009). Memory Rehabilitation: Integrating Theory and Practice. New York, NY: The Guilford Press.
  11. Eysenck, M. W. & Keane M. T. (2005). Cognitive Psychology: A Student’s Handbook, New York, NY: Psychology Press.
  12. Pervin, L. A., Cervone, D. & John, O. P. (2005). Personality: Theory and Research. USA: John Wiley & Sons.
  13. Moore, D. S. (2000). The Basic Practice of Statistics. (2nded), USA: Freeman and Company.
  14. Feldman, R. S. (2000). Essentials of Understanding Psychology. (4,h ed.). Boston:McGraw Hills Higher Education.
  15. Gray, P. (2002). Psychology (4thed). U S A. Words Worth Publishers


Applied Psychology-II

Total Mark: 100

Appendix ‘A’

(Outlines of Tests)

Paper-A:          Applied Areas of Psychology (Written)                     : 80 Marks
Paper-B:          Mini Research (Practical)                                            : 20 Marks

Appendix ‘B’

(Syllabi and Courses of Reading)

Paper-A:        Applied Areas of Psychology         80 Marks


Scope of Psychology

Introduction of Applied Areas of Psychology

Clinical Psychology: 

Introduction: aims and scope

Brief History

Role of a Clinical Psychologist

Perspectives of Clinical Psychology

Clinical Assessment and Intervention

Status of Clinical Psychology in the World

Status of Clinical Psychology in Pakistan

Counseling Psychology:

Introduction: aims and scope

Brief History

Role of a Counseling Psychologist

Perspectives of Counseling Psychology

Assessment and Intervention

Status of Counseling Psychology in the World

Status of Counseling Psychology in Pakistan

Organizational/Industrial Psychology:

Introduction and Brief History of I/O Psychology

Scope of I/O Psychology

Approaches to I/O Psychology

Services provided by I/O Psychologists

Assessment and Intervention

Status of I/O Psychology in the World

Status of I/O Psychology in Pakistan

Developmental Psychology:

Introduction: Aims and scope

Brief History

Role of a Developmental Psychologist

Approaches of Developmental Psychology

Assessment and Intervention

Status of Developmental Psychology in the World

Status of Developmental Psychology in Pakistan

Health Psychology:

Introduction: aims and scope

Brief History

Role of a Health Psychologist

Models of Health Psychology

Assessment and Intervention

Status of Health Psychology in the World

Status of Health Psychology in Pakistan

School and Educational Psychology:

Introduction: aims and scope

Brief History

Role of a School Psychologist

Perspectives of School Psychology

Assessment and Intervention

Status of School/Educational Psychology in the World

Status of School/Educational Psychology in Pakistan

Social Psychology:

Introduction; Group Types: Primary group, Secondary group, Reference group, In and out group Attitude: Types of attitudes; Stereotypes, Prejudices Nature and components, Leadership: types and characteristics Mass Communication: Electronic media and Print media.

Sports Psychology:

Introduction: aims and scope

Brief History

Role of a Sport Psychologist

Perspectives of Developmental Psychology

Assessment and Intervention

Status of Sport Psychology in the World

Status of Sport Psychology in Pakistan

Forensic Psychology:

Introduction: aims and scope

Brief History

Role of a Forensic Psychologist

Perspectives of Forensic Psychology

Assessment and Intervention

Status of Forensic Psychology in the World

Status of Forensic Psychology in Pakistan

Emerging Areas in Psychology:

Positive Psychology

Environmental Psychology

Peace Psychology

Military Psychology

Paper-B:         Mini Research (Practical)               20 Marks

 Students are required to perform mini research in group (comprising of 4-5 members). Mini Research Report:           10 marks

Viva Voice  :           10 marks

Recommended Books:

  1. Kaplan, R. M. & Saccuzzo, D. P. (2005). Psychological Testing: Principles, Applications, and Issues. USA:
  2. Slater, A. & Bremner, G. (2003). An Introduction to Developmental Germany: Blackwell Publishing.
  1. Santrock, J. W. (2007). Child Development. (11th ). USA: McGraw-Hill.
  2. Crow, D. & Crow, A. (2000). Educational Psychology. Pakistan: National Book Foundation. Sharma, R. N. & Sharma R. K. (2006). Advanced Educational Psychology.I ndia: Atlantic Publisher.
  1. Myers, D. G. (2008). Social Psychology. USA: McGraw-Hill.
  2. Muchinsky, P. M. (2002). Psychology Applied to Work. USA: Wadsworth.
  3. Snyder, C. R. & Lopez, S. J. (2007). Positive Psychology. USA: SAGE
  4. Towl J. & Crighton, D. A. (2010). Forensic Psychology. UK: Blackwell Publishing.
  5. Bell, A., Greene, T. C., Fisher J. D. & Baum, A. (2001). Environmental Psychology.USA: Harcourt.



Appendix ‘A’

(Outlines of Tests)

 Total Marks

 Paper:        .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..  .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..      100

 Appendix ‘B’

(Syllabi and Courses of Reading)


  1.  Definition, subject matter, Scope and methods.
  2. Sensation, Sight and Hearing.
  3. Perception
  4. Learning
  5. Individual Differences.
  6. Memory and Imagination.
  7. Feeling and Emotion,
  8. Motivation-Violation.
  9. Personality, Development, Factors of Personality. Social and Physiological Aspects.

 Books Recommended:-

Psychology – A study of Mental Life. Woodworth, R.S.


  Nafsiyat by C.A. Qadir

Note:-   Students who have taken Psychology in B.A as an elective subject cannot take up the subject of Psychology (Optional).


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