Short Stories, MA English Sargodha University Past Papers 2016

Sargodha University MA English Paper-X Short Stories Past Papers 2016

Here you can download Past Papers of Paper-X Short Stories, MA English Part Two, 1st & 2nd Annual Examination, 2017 University of Sargodha.

Short Stories UOS Past Papers 2016

M.A. English Part – II

Paper-V-(Short Stories)                   1st A. Exam.2016

Time: 3 Hours         (New Course)              Marks:100

Note: Objective part is compulsory. Attempt any four questions from subjective part.

Objective Part

Q.1: Write short answers of the following in two lines each on the answer book.                       (2*10)

  1. Write the names of any two short stories in your syllabus with the theme of racism.
  2. Why does the old man want to commit suicide in “A Clean Well Lighted Place”?
  3. Who is the writer of the short story “What the Tapster Saw”?
  4. What is Ali’s Point of view in “My Son the Fanatic”?
  5. Who is Miss Furlong in “The Dead”?
  6. Write the name of two main Characters in “The Voice”.
  7. What is Lawrance thesis about nature in “The Man who Loved Island”?
  8. What was given as a Christmas gift to the couple in “Once Upon a Time”?
  9. In which country was Amy Tan born?
  10. In which year did Mahfooz receive Nobel Prize for Literature?

Subjective Part

Q.2:     What are the essential elements of a short story? How does it differ from novel?

Q.3:     Justify the title of the short story “Civil Peace” by Chinua Achebe.

Q.4:     How does Sara Sulehri Depict the city of Lahore in her short story “The Property of Woman”?

Q.5:     What makes “The Dead” by Joyce one of the finest examples of the modern short story?

Q.6:     How does Alice Walker Satirise racial and colour discrimination in her story “Strong Horse Tea”?

Q.7:     What are the main themes in the short story “Once Upon A Time” by Nadine gordimer.


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