Admission Schedule: Odd Term Final Examination 2020 Private Affiliated Colleges UOS

Admission Schedule of Odd Term Final Examination 2020 Private Affiliated Colleges Sargodha University

It is notified for the information of all concerned that schedule for submission of admission data and fee for Final Examinations of Odd Term i.e. 3rd, 5th & 7th Terms are given below:-

Last date to submit admission data in soft form: 30-09-2020
Last date to submit admission data in hard form: 02-10-2020

Program / Discipline Fee Rates
Undergraduate Programs BS (4-Years) having Practical  exam / viva voce Rs. 4800/- per student
Undergraduate Programs BS (4-Years) not having Practical exam / viva voce Rs. 4300/- per student
Graduate Program M.Com, M.Sc(IT), MBA(3.5Year), MBA(Executive) & MA/M.Sc have practical exam/viva voce Rs. 5800/- Per student
Graduate Program M.Com, M.Sc(IT), MBA(3.5Year), MBA(Executive) & MA/M.Sc not have practical exam/viva voce Rs. 5300/- Per student
Retake/Repeat Course Rs. 1500/- per course


  1. Admission forms of the students are not required.
  2. The Principals are requested to submit data of students in hard and soft form on prescribed excel sheet available on University Website No admission data will be accepted after the due date in any case.
  3. The list must be emailed on . The hard copy of the list (each page) duly signed by the Principal alongwith deposited original challan(s) and forwarding letter must also be submitted by the due date.
  4. The Principals are requested to ensure accuracy of the list. Roll Number slips will be issued as per data received in the list. In case of omission of any students / course in the list, this office will not be responsible for the loss suffered by the student.
  5. Examination fee must be deposited in the University of Sargodha account No. 00427991796403 on computer generated challan available at University of Sargodha website. Number of candidates and program / term must be clearly mentioned on challan form. Hand written bank challan / Bank Draft / Bankers Cheque will not be accepted. If any Principal / candidate does not deposit fee or deposits less fee Roll Number Slip will not be issued.
  6. The Principals must mention valid email addresses on the forwarding letter as Roll Number Slips will be sent through email.
  7. All Principals are requested to follow the attached instructions for filling in the excel sheet.
  8. The date of commencement of examination will be notified later on.


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