BS Information Technology Term System Results Sargodha University Held in February 2019

BS Information Technology 2nd, 4th, 6th and 8th Term Retake / Regular Held in February 2019 University of Sargodha

Following Results have been Announced:-

BS-Information Technology 2nd 2013-17 Re-take

BS-Information Technology 2nd 2014-18 Re-take

BS-Information Technology 2nd 2015-19 Re-take

BS-Information Technology 2nd 2016-20 Re-take

BS-Information Technology 2nd 2017-21 Regular

BS-Information Technology 4th 2013-17 Re-take

BS-Information Technology 4th 2014-18 Re-take

BS-Information Technology 4th 2015-19 Regular

BS-Information Technology 4th 2015-19 Re-take

BS-Information Technology 4th 2016-20 Regular

BS-Information Technology 6th 2013-17 Re-take

BS-Information Technology 6th 2014-18 Re-take

BS-Information Technology 6th 2015-19 Regular

BS-Information Technology 8th 2012-16 Re-take

BS-Information Technology 8th 2013-17 Regular

BS-Information Technology 8th 2013-17 Re-take

BS-Information Technology 8th 2014-18 Regular


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If you are not found your result please find from below list:-

Enter your roll No. (please use Roll No format i.e short 12345 or use your year,program, roll i.e 14ABC12345).


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