Sargodha University MA Economics Paper-IX Development Economics Theory and Policy Past Papers 2017
Here you can download Past Papers of Paper-IX Development Economics Theory and Policy, MA Economics Part Two, 1st & 2nd Annual Examination, 2017 University of Sargodha.
Development Economics Theory and Policy UOS Past Papers 2017
M.A. Economics Part – II
Paper-III(Development Economics)1st A.2017
Time: 3 Hours Marks:100
Note: Objective part is compulsory. Attempt any four questions from subjective parts
Objective Part
Q.1:Write short answers of the following on your answer sheet in two lines only. (2*10)
- Balance Growth Strategy
- Balance of Payment.
- Debt Servicing.
- Deforestation
- Development Economics
- Disguised Unemployment
- Gini Coefficient
- Physical Quality of life Indicator
- Tied Aid
- Transfer of Technology
Subjective Part
Q.2: Critically analyze the Big Push Theory in the light of experience of the developing countries.
Q.3: Discuss the detail about the Rostow’s stages of growth in Pakistan’s perspective.
Q.4: Explain the idea of Green Revolution. How this revolution helped in the economic development of Pakistan. Give future strategies.
Q.5: Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) plays positive as well as negative role in developing countries like Pakistan. Explain.
Q.6: Per Capita Income (PCI) plays positive as well as negative role in developing countries like Pakistan. Explain.
Q.7: Write short note on the following
- Harrod-Domer Model
- Urbanization Growth Strategy.

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