English Language (Compulsory) for B.A. Examination.
(Outline of Tests)
Paper ‘A’: Prose and Poetry. 100 Marks
Paper ‘B’: Grammar and Composition: 100 Marks
Grand Total: 200 Marks
(Syllabus and Courses of Reading)
Paper ‘A’ Prose and Poetry:
(The paper will carry 100 marks)
- A Selection of Modern English Essays: Edited by Prof. Sajjad Sheikh, published by Makataba-e-Karvan, Katchery Road, Lahore.
- A New Anthology of English Poetry: Edited by Prof. Shoaib bin Hassan and Prof. K. Aslam,published by Makataba-e- Karvan, Katchery Road, Lahore.
- A Selection of Short Stories and One-Act Plays: Edited by Dr. Nasim Riaz Butt, published by Makataba-e-Karvan, Kathcery Road, Lahore.
- The Old Man and the Sea: Earnest Hemingway.
N.B.__1. All the prescribed books are for intensive reading.
- All the five questions carry equal marks.
- The first question is of reference to the context (3 out of 5 passages) from poetry and One-Act plays.
- One question on any Essay fromA Selection of Modern English Essays: by Prof Sajjad Sheikh.Comprising two parts carrying 10 marks each
Another question on essays from A Selection of Modern English Essays: by Prof.Sajjad Sheikh. Comprising two parts carrying 10 marks each.
- One question on a poem from the book of Poetry: A New Anthology of English Poetry: by Prof. Shoaib bin Hassan & Prof K.Aslam. Comprising two parts carrying 10 marks each.
Another question on a poem from the book of poetry: A New Anthology of English Poetry: by Prof Shoaib bin Hassan & Prof. K.Aslam. Comprising two parts carrying 10 marks each.
- One question on a short story from the book of A Selection of Short Stories and One-Act Plays: by Dr. Nasim Riaz Butt. Comprising two parts carrying 10 marks each.
Another question on a short story from the book of A Selection of Short Stories and One Act Plays: by Dr. Nasim Riaz Butt. Comprising two parts carrying 10 marks each.
(The examiner, however, is free to choose any TWO OR THREE questions from the book, which may be concerned with Short Stories or One-Act Plays)
- One question is to be set from Novel “The Old Man and the Sea”: by Earnest Hemingway. Carrying 20 marks.
Another question is to be set from Novel “The Old Man and the Sea”: by Earnest Hemingway. Comprising two parts carrying 10 marks each.
(This arrangement of questions will make the students read all the prescribed books)
Paper B
Q.No.1. | 5+20 (25) |
Essay (with outline) | |
(Note: students should be directed to write | |
between 300-350 words) | |
Q.No.2. | 9+16 (25) |
Comprehension and Précis | |
Q.No.3. | (15) |
Formal letter/Application | |
(Note: letter must discuss some problems | |
and application must be official) | |
Q.No.4. | (15) |
Translation or Dialogue | |
Q.No.5. | (10) |
Correction of Sentences | |
Q.No.6. | (10) |
Idioms and Phrasal verbs. | ____ |
100 |
English Language (Compulsory) for B.Sc. Examination.
(Outlines of Tests)
There will be one paper carrying 100 marks of three hour’s duration.
Paper: Marks: 100
- Prose Part: 50
Syllabi / courses of reading (prose part)
Text Book:
A Selection of English prose by Dr. Nosheen Khan & Prof. Ghulam Serwar Qureshi
- General Part: 50
- Comprehension & Précis 6+9 (15)
- Report writing: 10
- Cloze test (from text)
Translation from Urdu into English 10
- Essay (200 words) 15

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