Sargodha University MA English Paper-XI Linguistics Past Papers 2017
Here you can download Past Papers of Paper-XI Linguistics, MA English Part Two, 1st & 2nd Annual Examination, 2017 University of Sargodha.
Linguistics UOS Past Papers 2017
M.A. English Part – II
Paper-XI-(Linguistics) 1st A. Exam.2017
Time: 3 Hours Marks:100
Note: Objective part is compulsory. Attempt any four questions from subjective part.
Objective Part
Q.1: Write short answers of the following in two lines each on the answer book. (2*10)
- What is Acoustic Phonetics?
- What is Prevarication?
- What is functional variety of language?
- What is an Allophone?
- What is an Allomorph?
- Define Theo-linguistics.
- /w/ is articulated as a vowel but it is a consonant, why?
- What are approximant sounds?
- What is Neologism?
- What is a Phoneme?
Subjective Part
Q.2: Write a comprehensive note on different theories about the origin of language. Give Examples.
Q.3: What is language? Give at least four definitions of language given by some renowned linguists and also give you critical understanding of these definitions.
Q.4: Write a detailed note on the description of Vowel Sounds reference to their articulation. Support your answer with examples from the English Vowels.
Q.5: What is a dialect? Explain how a dialect acquires the status of a standard language? Also elaborate different stages of the standardization process.
Q.6: Write a detailed note on Paul Grice’s Theory of Implicatures.
Q.7: Write short note on the following:
- Deviations in literary texts
- Phrase Structure Rules

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