Past Papers of M.Com Term System Sargodha University
[fruitful_btn target=”_self” id=”ff-btn-5d3cd2fb6e5b2″ size=”large” color=”default” text_color=”#fff” background_color=”#1e73be” radius=”4″ type=”button” state=”active”]2019[/fruitful_btn][fruitful_btn target=”_self” id=”ff-btn-5d3cd2d39d1d3″ size=”large” color=”default” text_color=”#fff” background_color=”#81d742″ radius=”4″ type=”button” state=”active”]2018[/fruitful_btn][fruitful_btn target=”_self” id=”ff-btn-5d3cd2a149c53″ size=”large” color=”default” text_color=”#fff” background_color=”#8224e3″ radius=”4″ type=”button” state=”active”]2017[/fruitful_btn][fruitful_btn target=”_self” id=”ff-btn-5d3cd27f42777″ size=” size=”large” ” color=”default” text_color=”#fff” background_color=”#dd9933″ radius=”4″ type=”button” state=”active”]2016[/fruitful_btn][fruitful_btn target=”_self” id=”ff-btn-5d3cd25b51ec3″ size=”large” color=”default” text_color=”#fff” background_color=”#dd3333″ radius=”4″ type=”button” state=”active”]2015[/fruitful_btn]M.Com 1st Term UOS Past Papers
- MCM-501: Accounting for Decision Making
- MCM-502: Business Management
- MCM-503: Quantitative Analysis (Inferential Statistics)
- MCM-505: Managerial Economics
- MCM-504: Principles of Marketing
M.Com 2nd Term UOS Past Papers
- MCM-601: Human Resource Management
- MCM-602: Management Accounting
- MCM-603: Investment Analysis
- MCM-604: Operation & Production Management
- ACM-605: Advanced Accounting (Elective-I)
- FIM-605: International Financial Management (Elective-I)
- ACM-606: Financial Statement Analysis (Elective-II)
- FIM-606: Personal Finance (Elective-II)
M.Com 3rd Term UOS Past Papers
- MCM-601: Human Resource Management
- MCM-602: Management Accounting
- MCM-603: Investment Analysis
- MCM-604: Operation & Production Management
- ACM-605: Advanced Accounting (Elective-I)
- FIM-605: International Financial Management (Elective-I)
- ACM-606: Financial Statement Analysis (Elective-II)
- FIM-606: Personal Finance (Elective-II)
M.Com 4th Term UOS Past Papers

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