Sargodha University MA Economics Paper-VI Major Issues in Pakistan Economy Past Papers 2015
Here you can download Past Papers of Paper-VI Major Issues in Pakistan Economy, MA Economics Part One, 1st & 2nd Annual Examination, 2015 University of Sargodha.
Major Issues in Pakistan Economy UOS Past Papers 2015
M.A. Economics Part – I
Paper-VI(Major Issues in Pakistan Economy)1st Annual Exam. 2015
Time: 3 Hours Marks:50
Note: Objective part is compulsory. Attempt any four questions from subjective Part.
Objective Part
Q.1: Write short answers of the following in two lines on your answer book.
- Income Distribution in Pakistan.
- Role of Institutions in Economic Development.
- Concept of Foreign Aid.
- Social Action Program
- Child labour
Subjective Part
Q.2: Discuss problems of industrial sector in Pakistan. Suggest suitable steps to remove these impending factors.
Q.3: What are the reasons which do not allow developing countries to benefit out of WTO? Discuss in detail.
Q.4. What is good governance? How it is related to economic development?
Q.5: How poverty is measured? Which method gives us good description of the issue?
Q.6: What are sources of inflation in Pakistan? What steps are required to bring the situation under control?
Q.7: Discuss impact of agri-development policies on income distribution and employment.

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