Sargodha University MA Economics Paper-III Mathematical Economics Past Papers 2015
Here you can download Past Papers of Paper-III Mathematical Economics, MA Economics Part One, 1st & 2nd Annual Examination, 2015 University of Sargodha.
Mathematical Economics UOS Past Papers 2015
M.A. Economics Part – I
Paper-III(Mathematical Economics)1st Annual Exam.2015
Time: 3 Hours Marks:100
Note: Objective part is compulsory. Attempt any four questions from subjective Part.
Objective Part
Q.1: Briefly explain the following
- Extreme values
- Endogenous variables
- Total differentials
- Partial market equilibrium
- Explicit function
- Transpose of a matrix
- Square matrix
- Non-singular matrix
- Adjoint of a matrix
- Non-negativity restrictions
Subjective Part
Find inverse of a matrix (A-1) and also check the validity of your answer.
- Consider the following system of equation
2X1 + 4X2 – X3 = 52
– X1 + 5X2 +3X3 = 72
3X1 – 7X2 +2X3 = 10
Find by using Carmer’s rule.
Q.3: (a) The demand and supply equations for a particular product are:
Qd = 200 – 4P , Qs = – 10 + 26P
- Determine the equilibrium values of P and Q and the procedures revenue they imply.
- A flat rate tax of 5 per unit is imposed on each unit sold. Determine the new equilibrium position, the tax revenue at the equilibrium and the producer’s revenue.
Q.4: A monopolistic producer of two goods G1 and G2 has a joint total cost function.
Tc = 10 Q1 + Q1Q2 + 10Q2
Where Q1 and Q2 denote the quantities of G1 and G2 respectively. If P1 and P2 denote the corresponding prices then the demand equations are
P1 = 50 – Q1 + Q2, P2 = 30 + 2Q1 – Q2
- Find the maximum profit if the firm is contracted to produce a total of 15 goods of either type.
- Estimate the new optimal profit if the production quota rises by one unit.
Q.5: Given the input Matrix and the final demand vector
- Explain the economic meaning of the elements 0.33, 0.00 and 200.
- Find the correct level of output for three industries.
Q.6: Consider the following information.
Max. U = 2X1X2 + 3X1
Subject to X1 + 2X2 = 83
- Find
- Using Bordered Hessian check the 2nd order condition.
Q.7: (a) Use the Jacbian determinant to test the existence of functional dependence between the functions.
Y1 = , y2 = 5x1 + 1
- Given the following quadratic function, find the critical points at which the function may be optimized and determine at these points the functions is maximized, is minimized, is at an inflection point, or is at a saddle point. Z = 48 – 3x2 – 6xy – 2y2 + 72x

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