Q. No. 01: – Write in the incident outwitting (deceiving) Yeast to his grand father?
The whole essay is about the character of the grand father of the writer. The writer wants to show the different aspects of his personality. He wants to tell the readers that his grand father was an honest person. He was also a man of principles. He did not like to break any rule and regulation. According to the rules and regulations of the railway only he could use the railway pass. So, he did not let any body to use that railway pass. Even the members of the family were not allowed to use the pass. So they cheated him and his uncle sent the writer to borrow railway pass.
They cheated the grand father because he could not think that writer could do so. Every day the door was locked and key was presented to him. So he was quite satisfied. But they cheated him every night.
The writer was a boy of seven or eight. One of his uncles called him out of bed one night. He was sent five or six miles away to borrow a railway pass from his uncle’s cousin. He was to ride five or six miles to get the pass. So he rode through the moonlight and brought the pass for his uncle. He was home again by two or three in the morning.
His grand father was a simple minded. He believed that other, too, were simple minded. He could not even thought of someone deceiving him. But the writer absolutely outwitted (deceived) his grandfather.
This incident is not out of place. In the context of the essay the writer discussing main points of his grand father. And this incident is about his grand father.
Q. No. 02: – Write a note on difference aspects of Yeast grandfather personality?
The writer has given character sketch of his grandfather in his essay. He recollects his memories of his maternal grandparents. He remembers that his grandfather was never unkind or harsh to him. He was a reserved and courageous fellow. As he was brave man, he had won the freedom of some Spanish cities and never boasted about that. He had visited many countries of the world he had a few rare things colleted from different countries of the world. He had great physical strength. He never asked other to do what he himself could not do. In other words we can say that he was a man of principals.
He was a rich man. Therefore, he owned many selling ships. His father had been in the army and his mother had been a Wexford. He was simple minded man and believed in the simple mindedness of others.
He had a violent temper. Instead of going to law, he would like to deal with the buglers with is hatchet. He was an honest man. He did not allow to miss-use of his railway passes. He was strict disciplinarian. He had no relatives and only a few friends.
He was a proud man and disliked his neighbors. He has friendly relation with the renounced people of the world. He was quite popular among his employees and people around. The writer shows great sentimental devotion. He says that when he reads King Lear, the images of his grandfather always before him.
Q. No. 03: – Write comparison between Yeast grandfather and his grandmother?
Grandfather: –He remembers that his grandfather was never unkind or harsh to him. He was a reserved and courageous fellow. As he was brave man, he had won the freedom of some Spanish cities and never boasted about that. He had visited many countries of the world. He had great physical strength. He never asked other to do what he himself could not do. In other words we can say that he was a man of principals. He was an honest man. He did not allow to misuse of his railway passes. He was strict disciplinarian.
He was a rich man. Therefore, he owned many selling ships. His father had been in the army and his mother had been a Wexford. He was the only child of his parents. He has no realities and had only a few friends.
He was a proud man and disliked his neighbors. He has friendly relation with the renounced people of the world. He was quite popular among his employees and people around.
Grandmother: -The writer’s grandmother was a sharp contrast to his grandfather. She was woman of very gentle, polite and charitable nature. She did many noble deals at home. She gives alms generously. She was always taking care of household. All night she would go round the house to see it there was any thief. So, that she would save him from her husband. She was true lover of flowers. Therefore, she loved gardening and took care of his garden well. She was caring and considerate lady. She once gave something to Yeast to between the two meals. She one punished writer but the punishment was very mild. She was also a great lover of Chinese paintings. Her room had been decorated with such paintings. She could copy flowers in rich paper in very neat manner. The pictures were very minute and detailed.

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