My Tailor – Modern Essays Notes

Q. No. 01: – Bring out the moral of the story “My Tailor”?


This essay has a deep moral. But the writher does not drop any hint about it. It is for the readers to draw the conclusion. As a reader we have two morals. The first moral is that our attitude towards acquaintances should be real. These are the people, who perform various services for us. Among them are our tailors, doctors, shopkeepers and servants etc. We should take them as human beings. As they have also normal life.

 The writer had been dealing with his tailor for last thirty years. It was a very long period. There must had been some sort of friendship between both the writer and his tailor. But it is very strange and pity that he does not know even likes and dislikes of his tailor.

Most of us have the same kind of relationship with our tailors, doctors, shopkeepers or servants etc. We don’t establish friendly terms with them. For us they are not human beings. They are just tailors, doctors, shopkeepers or servants and that is all. We think that they don’t have usual relations. We think that they can’t die. They will always be there to serve us because we treat them as a machine.

The second moral is that we should share our feelings with others. All the people are not heartless. We should not act like the tailor. We should take advice and get help from others in the important matters of life.

The tailor was worried about his business and he should have asked for advice from others. It the tailor had shared his problems with the writer they would have come close to each other.

Q. No. 02: – Draw the character sketch of the tailor presented by the writer in his essay “My Tailor”?


Leacock has given a character sketch of his tailor in his essay “My Tailor”. He has presented the character of his tailor in very expert manner.

The tailor has a particular style (mannerism). The writer has got thirty years long association with his tailor. During this period the writer has always seen the tailor in particular pose or style. The tailor always stands in the back part of his ship. He has a measuring tape around his neck. It seems that he is ready to take the measurement of his customer. There is always a smile of welcome on his face.

He is a professionally competent person. He has a limited variety of suiting. He has only two variety of suiting: Serge and Tweed. He presents the blue serge every time to the writer. The writer cannot say no to his offer, as he is an old customer.

The tailor also knows how to get appreciation from his customers. He has friendly attitude towards the writer. He has a special way of billing. He never presents the bill personally. He solves the problems by correspondence. In case of any delay in payment he writes to the customer very politely. He never sent the letter before the due time.

 The tailor is also very religious. He is a Christian and side man of the church. He does not like to share his life with any one. He is musical too. He likes to play his flute when he is free.

Q. No. 03: – Why writer does regards his tailor immortal?


There are so many reasons due to which the writer regards his tailor immortal. The writer has got thirty years log association with his tailor. During this period the writer has always seen him in a particular style/pose. This pose has become the identity of his personality. The tailor has a friendly attitude towards the writer as he is his old customer. Therefore, it is very difficult for the writer to reject his offer.

The writer always meets him in the back part of his shop. The pose and the place remain same during the last thirty years. This long practice gives the writer an idea that his tailor is immortal.

One day the writer calls at his shop to collect the suit. The writer does not find him there. He is very surprise to know that he has died. He cannot believe so. Because, for the writer, tailor is only a professional figure. He is only a soulless working machine for him. He considers him just a tailor not a man. He is only a sewing and stitching machine for him.

 It is also a fact that the writer has never met his tailor on humanitarian grounds. Even he does not know his name. He does at all know about his personal life. He does not know about his worries, his wife, his religious and his issues. It is for these reasons the writer considers his tailor immortal


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