Q No:-01: What sorts of life Matilda Loisel dreams at the beginning of the story?
Matilda was young lady. She was very pretty and charming. She belonged to a common family of clerks. As she was a dreaming lady. Therefore, she dreamed to lead a rich and fine life. She considered herself unlucky. She could no adjust herself in lower social set up and dreamed of being present in high society. She often dreamed of the life full of luxuries.
She dreamed of fine cloths and jewellary. She dreamed of large drawing rooms, graceful pieces of furniture and perfumed apartments. She dreamed of dining table with delicious dishes and houses full of accessories.
She believed that the status of a woman is determined by her beauty but not by her race or cast. Being a beautiful and charming she considered her in high society. But her life changed and she had to marry with a clerk of fate had been a bit kind to her she would easily got married in a family of high ranks. But her husband was a clerk in the Ministry of education her marriage brought no happiness at all she was not contented with her lot. Her husband could not manage a life according to her dreams.
Hence she often remained dejected and sad. She though and imagined about luxuries of life which she could not enjoy. She was not satisfied what she had got. She was not among those who cut their coat according to their cloth.
But one incident changed her life completely. When she had to pay 36,000 Francs for the replacement of the necklace which was false diamonds. In this way she had a lead a life of misery and sorrow for ever.
Q No:-02 The NECKLACES is a story in which the punishment is more than the crime, Committed?
Matilda was a young and beautiful lady, who belonged to the family of the clerks. She was married with Mr. Loisel a clerk in Board of Education. One day her husband received an invitation for a party. She was angry and upset, because as she had not proper dress to wear in the party. Her husband asked her how much would need for a reasonable dress. He gave 400 francs from his saving to her wife to purchase a dress for the party.
But then arose the question of ornament. She did not have any thing to wear. Loisel told her to go the rich friend Jeans and borrow some thing for the party. She went to her and got a diamond necklace from her.
The night of the party arrived. She went to the party with her husband. She was great success in the party. She was very happy. She returned from the party at 4 am in the morning. As they reach at apartment she came to know that the necklace was lost. It could not found in spite of all searches. They had to borrow 18000; francs from money Lander on interest. Then they purchased the same necklace in 36000 Frances. Loisel had to given 18000 form his own. They returned it to Jeans.
It took ten year to make the payment of borrowed money. During this period both had to work together day and night like an ox. One day Jeane told Matilda that the necklace was not more that 500 francs. As it was not genuine. So, it is true that in the story the punishment is more than the crime committed.

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