Sargodha University MA English Paper-IV Prose Past Papers 2016
Here you can download Past Papers of Paper-IV Prose, MA English Part One, 1st & 2nd Annual Examination, 2016 University of Sargodha.
Prose UOS Past Papers 2016
Paper-IV(Prose) 1st Annual Exam.2016
Time: 3 Hours New Course Marks:100
Note: Objective Part is Compulsory. Attempt any four questions from subjective part.
Objective paper
Q.1: Write short answers of the following in two lines each on the answer book. (20)
- What is meant by simulation and dissimulation?
- “The rising unto place is laborious” Explain the statement.
- What is Horatian satire?
- In Gulliver’s fourth voyage, what is the name of the ship Gulliver captians?
- What is the fault in humanity that Gulliver cannot be patient with-even though he is not provoked by pickpockets, fools, gamesters, whoremongers, lawyers, colonels, and physicians?
- What, according to Russell, is the main purpose of writing his essays?
- Explain the quote “When he sits in place he is another man’ (of great place).
- Why does Said refer to various novelists?
- What is the etymological root of Houyhnhm or horse in the Houyhnhm language?
- What do you know about Bloomsbury group?
Subjective Part
Q.2: Explain Blakes verdict on Bacon’s essays as “Good advice for Satan’s kingdom.’
Q.3: Which pose write you like the most and why? Give concrete evidences from the texts which you have studied.
Q.4: Trace the development of Gulliver’s outlook and mentality in the course of his voyages. Would you regard it as a healthy and welcome development?
Q.5: Discuss the style of Lytton Strachey in the light of Eminent Victorians.
Q.6: Elaborate Russells’s view that one of the most important tasks of the teacher is to inculcate tolerance in his students.
Q.7: Discuss Edward Said’s view on American Imperialism with reference to the present day situation.

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