Sargodha University MA English Paper-VII Drama-II Past Papers 2016
Here you can download Past Papers of Paper-VII Drama-II, MA English Part Two, 1st & 2nd Annual Examination, 2016 University of Sargodha.
Drama-II UOS Past Papers 2016
M.A. English Part – II
Paper-II(Modern Drama) 1st A. Exam.2016
Time: 3 Hours (New Course) Marks:100
Note: Objective part is compulsory. Attempt any four questions from subjective part.
Objective Part
Q.1: Write short answers of the following in two lines each on the answer book. (2*10)
- Describe the physical appearance of Hedda.
- Why is Hedda so cruel to other females in “Hedda Gabler”?
- What is Raina’s nickname for Bluntschli?
- In what ways is Captain Bluntschli an Anti-hero?
- Discuss Beckett’s attitude toward hope in “Waiting for Godot”.
- What is the function of the boy in “Waiting for Godot”?
- What is Varya’s relation to Mrs. Ranavksy?
- Why does Trophimov not accept Lopakhin’s money?
- What are the Vicar’s views about Colin?
- How does Bond criticize religion with regard to the aristocratic class?
Subjective Parts
Q.2: Describe the major social issues reflected by the play “Hedda Gabler”.
Q.3: How does Shaw in “Arms and the Man’ reconsider romance and heorism in the light of realism?
Q.4: Point out the similarities and dissimilarities present between Vladimir and Estragon.
Q.5: Class conflict is quite evident in “The Cherry Orchard”. Prove with examples from the text.
Q.6: What is the role of Mrs. Rafi in the play “The Sea”?
Q.7: What are the contribution of Shaw and Ibsen to modern drama?

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