Sargodha University MA English Paper-III Fiction-I Past Papers 2016
Here you can download Past Papers of Paper-III Fiction-I, MA English Part One, 1st & 2nd Annual Examination, 2016 University of Sargodha.
Fiction-I UOS Past Papers 2016
Paper-III(Fiction-I) 1st Annual Exam.2016
Time: 3 Hours New Course Marks:100
Note: Objective Part is Compulsory. Attempt any four questions from subjective part.
Objective paper
Q.1: Write short answers of the following in two lines each on the answer book. (20)
- Who is Beau Didapper?
- Who is Parson Barnabas?
- What is relation of Mr. Cillins with Bennet Family?
- Who is Lydia? Why did she elope?
- Who is Miss Pross?
- Who is Mrs. Joan Durbeyfield?
- Who is Reverend Clare?
Subjective Part
Q.2: Fielding start with an intention of parodying Richardson’s Pamela and ends by writing a great novel? Elaborate.
Q.3: How for the character of Elizabeth is convincing and closer to real life. How far her role is ideal as a heroine in Pride and Prejudice?
Q.4: How far the character depiction of Maggie has psychological depth? Elaborate.
Q.5: How far Charles Dickens succeeds in interviewing publics and private lie of the characters? Elucide
Q.6: Tess is sandwiched between a devil and an angel in shape of Alec and Angle Clear? How far it is true to say that Angle Clear is more responsible for her tragedy? Explain.
Q.7: What is significance of the title of the nove The Mill on the Floss. Elaborate.

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