Date Sheet of 7th Term Final Written Examination January 2022 Affiliated Colleges Sargodha University

Sargodha University Date Sheet of BBA &BS Programs, BS (Civil), BS (Electrical), BS (Mechanical) Technology 7thTerm, Final Written Examination, January, 2022 (For Affiliated Colleges only)

Note:  Candidates must keep their Original National Identity Card and Roll No. slips, wear masks and follow all SOPs notified by Govt. of the Punjab regarding COVID-19 during the course of examination failing which they would not be allowed to take the examination.

Subjects Code & Paper
07-02-2022 (Monday)
BBA BACC-6108: Financial Statement Analysis
BMKT-6102: Sales Management
BS Botany BOT-417: Plant Biochemistry-II(Old Scheme)
BOT-418: Plant Biochemistry-II (New Scheme)
BS-Chemistry CHEM-412: Advance Spectroscopy-I (Old Scheme)
CHEM-412 : Advance Spectroscopy-I (New Scheme)
BS-Computer Science CS-4744/CS-4745: Enterprise Application Development
BS-English ENG-436: Criticism-III (Modern Critical Theory)
ENG-437: Criticism-III
BS-Geography GEOG-401: Geography of Pakistan (History & Politics)
BS-Geology GEOL-401: Geology of Pakistan
BS-IT IT-3541: Network Design and Management
BS-Mathematics MATH-403: Number Theory
MATH-401/MATH-401I: Statistics
BS-Physics PHYS-401: Statistical Mechanics
BS Psychology PSY-401: Clinical Psychology
BS-Software Engineering CS-4461: Enterprise Resource Planning Systems
BS Zoology ZOL:602 Biological Techniques
BS-Civil Technology CT-411: Foundation and Pavements
BS-Electrical Technology ET-411: Industrial and Environmental Safety
BS-Mechanical Technology MT-411: Industrial and Environmental Safety
08-02-2022 (Tuesday)
BBA BECO-6105: Managerial Economics
BS Botany BOT-418: Plant Ecology-II
BOT-419: Plant Ecology-II
BS-Chemistry CHEM-413: Advance Chromatographic Techniques
CHEM-413: Advance Chromatographic Techniques(Major)
BS-Software Engineering CS-4547: Mobile Application Development
BS-Computer Science CS-4548:Mobile Application Development
BS-IT IT-4548: Mobile Application Development
BS-English ENG-437: Drama-III
ENG-438: Drama-IV
BS-Geography GEOG-406: Natural Hazards & Disaster Management
BS-Geology GEOL-403: Economic Geology
BS-Mathematics MATH-405: Partial Differential Equations
BS-Physics PHYS-402: Atomic and Molecular Physics
BS Psychology PSY-402: Neurological Dysfunctions
BS Zoology ZOL:603: Principles and Kinetics of Toxicology
ZOL-603: Principles of Toxicology
09-02-2022 (Wednesday)
BBA BFIN-6102: Corporate Finance
BMKT-6103: Marketing Management
BS Botany BOT-419: Plant Physiology-II
BOT-417: Molecular Biology
BS-Chemistry CHEM-441: Forensic Chemistry
BS-Computer Science CS-4141 Compiler Construction
BS-English ENG-438: American Novel & Poetry
ENG-439: American Novel & Poetry
BS-Geography GEOG-431: South Asia
BS-Geology GEOL-407: Hydrogeology
BS-IT IT-4541/IT-4542: Data & Network Security
BS-Mathematics MATH-407: Advance Group Theory-I
MATH-435: Theory of Splines-I
MATH-425: Analytical Dynamics
MATH-449/MATH-433: Measure Theory
BS-Physics PHYS-403: Plasma Physics
BS Psychology PSY-403: Health Psychology
BS-Software Engineering SE-4342: SE Economics
BS Zoology ZOL:604: Evolution & Principal of Systematics
ZOL-601: Evolution & Principles of Systematic
10-02-2022 (Thursday)
BBA BMGT-6104: Production & Operations Management
BS Botany BOT-420: Genetics II
BOT-420: Research Methodology
BS-Chemistry CHEM-461 : Industrial Chemistry
BS-Computer Science SE-4349: Software Project Management
BS-English ENG-439: Prose-III
ENG-440: Prose-III
BS-Geography GEOG-433: Principles of Computer Mapping
BS-Geology GEOL-405: Environmental Geology
BS-IT IT-4746: E-Commerce Applications Development
BS Mathematics MATH-427: Numerical Solution of Partial Differential
MATH-409/MATH-415: Modern Algebra-I
MATH-421/MATH-429:Operation Research-I
BS-Physics PHYS-404: Quantum Mechanics-II
BS Psychology PSY-404: Developmental Psychology
BS-Software Engineering SE-4349: Model-Driven Software Development
BS Zoology ZOL-639:Microbiology-I/ Thesis
ZOL:429: Principle of Fish Biology
11-02-2022 (Friday)
BBA BMGT-6105: Entrepreneurship
BS Botany BOT-431: Advance Environmental Biology
BOT-434: Medicinal Plants
BOT-440: Conservation Ecology
BS-Chemistry CHEM-464: Advance Inorganic Chemistry
CHEM-423:Metabolism and Bio Energetic
CHEM-474: Reaction Mechanism
CHEM-474: Reaction Mechanism( Major)
CHEM-485: Molecular Spectroscopy
CHEM-485: Molecular Spectroscopy( Major)
BS Computer Science CS-4746: E-Commerce Application Development
BS-English ENG-441: 20th Century Poetry
ENG-442: 20th Century Poetry
BS Psychology PSY-405: Gender Issue in Psychology
BS-Geology GEOL-466: Petroleum Geology of Pakistan
BS Software Engineering CS-4461: Enterprise Resource planning System
BS-Mathematics MATH-431: Quantum Mechanics-I
  MATH-443: History of Mathematics
BS-Physics PHYS-410: Advanced Electronics
PHYS-411: Physical and Geometrical Optics
PHYS-412: Physics of Nanotechnologies
PHYS-413: Methods of Experimental Physics
BS Zoology ZOL-617; Endocrinology
ZOL-622: Fish Culture
14-02-2022 (Monday)
BBA BFIN-6205: Investment & Portfolio Management
BS Botany BOT-439: Conservation Ecology
BS-Chemistry CHEM-477: Organometallies
CHEM-466: Inorganic Polymers & Chemical Forces
CHEM-465: Organometallic & Bio-inorganic Chemistry (Major)
CHEM-465: Organometallic & Bio-inorganic Chemistry
CHEM-477: Organometallies
CHEM-476: Spectroscopic Methods in organic Chemistry(Minor) (Old Scheme)
CHEM-476: Spectroscopic Methods in organic Chemistry
BS-English ENG-440: ESP
ENG-441: ESP
BS-Mathematics MATH-401 Numerical Analysis-1
MATH-433/MATH-433I: Integral Equations
BS-Physics PHYS-410: Advanced Electronics
PHYS-411: Physical and Geometrical Optics
PHYS-412: Physics of Nanotechnologies
PHYS-410: Advance Electronics
BS Zoology ZOL-630: Hematology
ZOL-635: Introduction to Environment
ZOL-607: Biological Technique & Bioinformatic
15-02-2022 (Tuesday)
BS-Chemistry CHEM-484: Surface Phenomena (New Scheme)
CHEM-484: Surface Phenomena( Major) (Old Scheme)
CHEM-414: Instrumental Methods of Analysis
BS-Mathematics MATH-415 : Astronomy-I
MATH 417: Electromagnetism-I
MATH-419I: Advanced Functional Analysis
MATH-419: Fluid Dynamics-I
MATH-425:Fluid Dynamics-I/ Mechanics
BS Botany BOT-428 Plant Tissue Culture
BOT-430: Advance Environmental Biology
BS Physics PHYS-405: Solid State Physics-II
BS-Zoology ZOL-605: Bioinformatics

Note:  Dates of Practical / Viva Voce Examination will be notified separately and provided to the Principals of concerned Colleges. The candidates are advised to remain in-touch with the Principals of concerned colleges for the purpose.


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