B.Com Part-I & II 2nd Annual Examination 2019
Time 9:00 am to 12:00 pm
Note: Candidates must keep their Original National Identity Card and Roll No. Slip with them during the course of Examination failing which they would not be allowed to take the Examination.
Date & Day | Part | L.K | Paper No. | Paper Title |
Friday |
B.Com Part I | 116 | I | BC-301 Business Statistics & Mathematics |
Monday |
B.Com Part II | 117 | I | BC-401 Advanced Financial Accounting |
Tuesday |
B.Com Part I | 118 | II | BC-302 Computer Applications in Business |
Wednesday |
B.Com Part II | 119 | II | BC-402 Auditing |
Thursday |
B.Com Part I | 120 | III | BC-303 Economics |
Friday |
B.Com Part II | 121 | III | BC-403 Business Communication and Report Writing |
Monday |
B.Com Part I | 122 | IV | BC-304 Financial Accounting |
Tuesday |
B.Com Part II | 123 | IV | BC-404 Business Law |
Wednesday |
B.Com Part I | 124 | V | BC-305 Functional English |
Thursday |
B.Com Part II | 125 | V | BC-405 Business Taxation |
Friday |
B.Com Part I | 126 | VI | BC-306 Introduction to Business |
Monday |
B.Com Part II | 127 | VI | BC-406 Cost Accounting |
Tuesday |
B.Com Part I | 128 | VII | BC-307 Money, Banking & Finance |
Wednesday |
B.Com Part II | 129 | VII | BC-407 Economics of Pakistan |
Thursday |
B.Com Part I | 130 | VIII | BC-308 Islamic Studies/ (Ethical Behavior in lieu of Islamic Studies for Non-Muslim Students ) |
Friday |
B.Com Part II | 131 | VIII | BC-408 Pakistan Studies |
Note: Dates/Centers for practical examination will be communicated to the Principals after written examination.
Important Instructions for the Candidates.
- Roll No. should be written on the right of the title page of the Answer Book only and not at any other place. Answer Book number should also not be mentioned inside the book.
- Marks of identification should not be made any-where in the Answer Book or on the title page.
- Do not bring material relevant to the syllabus before entering into the Examination Hall.
- Do not make appeal to the Examiner in the Answer Book.
- Do not use abusive or obscene language in the Answer Book.
- Do not disobey Center Superintendent, change your Roll No / Seat with any other candidate,
- Do not create disturbance, stage walkout, resort to pen down strike or instigate others to do so, or otherwise misbehave in or around the Examination Hall.
- Do not bring fire-arms or anything capable of being used as a weapon of offence in or around Examination Hall.
- No one is allowed to leave the Examination Hall before first one hour is over. If anyone leaves after one hour or before half the time is over, he/she shall not be allowed to take away the Question Paper.
- Un-authorized change of center is strictly prohibited. If anyone changes his/ her center of examination at his/ her own, un-fair means case will be registered against him/her, similarly no change of subject is allowed unless permitted by the University.
- No one can appear in the Examination without getting his/her Roll Number Slip. Unfair-means case shall be registered against those who will violate the instructions and rules/regulations of the University.
- The candidates are not allowed to bring/use minicomputer, smart watch, calculator and mobile telephone sets in the Examination Hall. Unfair Means Case shall be registered against those who violate the above or such other instructions as are issued.
- The candidates must reach examination center at 8:30 am. No candidate will be allowed to enter examination hall after 9:00 am.

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