Date Sheet of BS/BBA /M.Com/MBA/M.Sc/M.A/ADP in IT / BS (Civil), BS (Electrical), BS (Mechanical) Tech.1st Term, Final Written Examination, 2021
Note: Candidates must keep their Original National Identity Card and Roll No. slips, wear masks and follow all SOPs notified by Govt. of the Punjab regarding COVID-19 during the course of examination failing which they would not be allowed to take the examination.
22-06-2021 (Tuesday) | |
BS(Computer Science, Chemistry, Geography, Geology, History, Economics) | URCI-5105: Islamic Studies/ Ethics (New Scheme) |
BS( Civil Technology, Electrical Technology, Mechanical Technology) | URCI-5105: Islamic Studies/ Ethics (New Scheme) |
ADP in IT | ISLS-101: Islamic Studies/Ethics |
BS(IT, Computer Science, Software Engineering, Botany, Zoology, Geography, Geology, History,Economics) | Islamic Studies / Ethics (Compulsory) (Old Scheme) |
BS (Civil Technology, Electrical Technology, Mechanical Technology) | Islamic Studies / Ethics (Compulsory) (Old Scheme) |
M.Sc (IT) | CMP-2210: Digital Logic and Design |
BS-Zoology | URCM-5101: Introduction to Mathematics (New Scheme) |
BS-Islamic Studies | BISL-103:Tafseer-I |
BS-Education | EDU-106:History of Muslim rule in South Asia (Old Scheme) |
EDUC-5105: History of Muslim rule in South Asia (New Scheme) | |
BS-Political Science | POL-121: Introduction to International Relations (Old Scheme) |
INTR-5101: Introduction to International Relations (New Scheme) | |
BS-International Relations | INTR-5101: Introduction to International Relations |
BS-Urdu | URD-116: Sociology |
SOCI-5101: General Sociology (New Scheme) | |
URDU-116: Sociology (Old Scheme) | |
BS-English | ENG-102: Introduction to Linguistics (New Scheme) |
ENG-102: Introduction to Linguistics (Old Scheme) | |
BS-Mathematics | COMP-101: Introduction to Computers (Old Scheme) |
URCI-5109: Introduction to Information & Communication Technologies(New Scheme) | |
BS-Physics | MATH-103: Application of Differentials |
BBA | BSSC-3103: Islamic Studies & Pakistan Studies |
BS-Psychology | MATH-304: Introduction to Mathematics (New Scheme) |
MATH-104: Introduction to Mathematics (Old Scheme) | |
M.A (English) | ENG-501: Classical Poetry |
M.Com | MCM-501: Accounting for Decision Making |
MBA (Executive) | BACC-5105: Financial Reporting & Control |
MBA (3.5 years) | BACC-5105: Financial Accounting |
23-06-2021 (Wednesday) | |
BS(Software Engineering, Education, Botany, Islamic-Studies, Mathematics, Physics, Political Science, International Relations, Psychology, Urdu, English) | URCP-5106:Pakistan Studies (New Scheme) |
BS( Software Engineering, Botany, Islamic Studies, Mathematics, Physics, Political Science, Psychology, Urdu, Zoology, English) | Pakistan Studies (Compulsory) (Old Scheme) Pakistan Studies (Compulsory) (Old Scheme) |
BS-Chemistry | BOT-101: Botany-I |
BOT-101: Diversity of Plants (Old Scheme) | |
BOTN-5101: Diversity of Plants (New Scheme) | |
MATH-5120: Applications of Differentials (New Scheme) | |
MATHS-311: Calculus-I (Old Scheme) | |
BS-Geology | CHEM-5101: Physical Chemistry (New Scheme) |
CHEM-101: Chemistry-I (Old Scheme) | |
BS- Economics | COMP-105: Introduction to Computer |
BBA | BCMP-3101: Introduction to Computers |
ADP in IT | PKST-101: Pakistan Studies |
BS-IT | PHYS-101: Applied Physics/Quantum Computing |
PHY-2210: Basic Electronics | |
BS-Computer Science | PHYS-101: Applied Physics |
PHY-2210: Basic Electronics | |
MBA (Executive) | BCMP-5102: Computer Applications in Business |
MBA (3.5 years) | BCMP-5102: Computer Applications in Business |
BS-Civil Technology | CS-112: Computer Applications (Old Scheme) |
CS-112: Computer Applications (New Scheme) | |
BS-Mechanical Technology | CS-112: Computer Applications (Old Scheme) |
CS-112: Computer Applications-I (New Scheme) | |
BS-Electrical Technology | CS-112: Computer Applications (Old Scheme) |
CS-112: Computer Applications (New Scheme) | |
M.Sc (IT) | MNG-2210: Financial Accounting |
M.Com | MCM-502: Business Management |
M.A (English) | ENG-502: Drama-I (Greek & Elizabethan) |
BS-Geography | GEOG-103:Introduction to Human Geography-I (Old Scheme) |
GEOG-101: Fundamental of Geography | |
GEOG-5101: Fundamental of Geography (New Scheme) | |
BS-History | GEOG-5101: Fundamental of Geography (New Scheme) |
GEO-104:Introduction to Geography (Old Scheme) | |
24-06-2021 (Thursday) | |
BS (Computer Science, IT, Software Engineering, Botany, Mathematics, History, Economics, Education, Islamic Studies, Geology, Geography, Chemistry, Physics, Political Science, International Relations, Psychology, Urdu, Zoology) | URCE-5101: English-I (Grammar) (New Scheme) |
BS( Civil Technology, Electrical Technology, Mechanical Technology) | URCE-5101: English-I (Grammar) (New Scheme) |
ADP in IT | ENGL-101:Functional English |
BBA | BSSC-3101: Functional English-I |
BS-Computer Science | ENGL-101: Functional English (New Scheme) |
ENG-2411: Functional English (Old Scheme) | |
BS-IT | ENGL-101: English Composition & Comprehension |
ENG-2411: Functional English | |
BS-Software Engineering | ENGL-101: English Composition & Comprehension |
ENG-2411: English-I (Functional English) (Old Scheme) | |
BS-Botany | ENG-101: English-I (Functional English) |
ENG-1: English-I (Old Scheme) | |
BS-Mathematics | ENG-101: Functional English |
ENG-101: Study Skills (Old Scheme) | |
BS-History | ENGLISH-I: Foundation of English (Old Scheme) |
M.A (English) | ENG-505: Study Skills in English |
BS-English | ENG-101: Study Skills |
BS- Economics | ENG-101: English-I (Old Scheme) |
BS-Education | ENG-101:English-I( Old Scheme) |
BS-Islamic Studies | BENG-101:English-I (Old Scheme) |
BS-Geology | ENG-101: English-I |
ENG-101: Study Skills (Old Scheme) | |
BS-Chemistry | ENG-101: Study Skills (Old Scheme) |
BS-Geography | ENG-101: English-I (Old Scheme) |
BS-Physics | ENG-104: English-I (Old Scheme) |
BS-Political Science | ENG-101: English-I (Old Scheme) |
BS-Psychology | ENGL:301: English-I (Compulsory) |
ENG:101: English-I (Compulsory) (Old Scheme) | |
BS-Urdu | URD-111: English |
URDU-111: English-I (Compulsory) (Old Scheme) | |
BS-Zoology | ENG-101: English-I (Old Scheme) |
ENG-101: Introduction to Communication Language and Grammar | |
BS-Civil Technology | HU-113: Communication Skills-I (Old Scheme) |
ENG-113: Communication Skills-I | |
BS-Mechanical Technology | HU-113: Communication Skills-I (Old Scheme) |
ENG-113: Communication Skills-I | |
M.Sc (IT) | ENG-2413: Technical English and Report Writing |
MBA (Executive) | BSSE-5106: Communication and Report Writing |
MBA (3.5 years) | BMAT-5103: Quantitative Techniques in Business |
M.Com | MCM-503: Quantitative Analysis (Inferential Statistics) |
BS-Electrical Technology | ET-114: Basic Mechanical Technology (Old Scheme) |
ENG-113: Communication Skills-I | |
25-06-2021 (Friday) | |
BBA | BACC-3101: Introduction to Book Keeping & Accounting |
BS-Psychology | PSYC-302: Introduction to Psychology (New Scheme) |
PSY-102: Introduction to Psychology (Old Scheme) | |
BS-History | HIS-105:Historiography (Old Scheme) |
HIST-5101: Historiography (New Scheme) | |
BS-Botany | CHEM-5101: Physical Chemistry (New Scheme) |
CHEM-181: Physical Chemistry | |
CHEM-1: Physical Chemistry (Old Scheme) | |
BS-Chemistry | CHEM-181: Physical Chemistry |
CHEM-5101: Physical Chemistry (New Scheme) | |
BS-Computer Science | MATH-101: Calculus & Analytical Geometry ( New Scheme ) |
MATH-2213: Calculus and Analytical Geometry (Old Scheme) | |
BS-IT | MATH-101: Calculus and Analytical Geometry (New Scheme) |
MATH-2213: Calculus and Analytical Geometry (Old Scheme) | |
BS-Islamic Studies | BISL-105:Taraf Kutab Hadith |
BS-Education | EDU-101:Instructional Methods (Old Scheme) |
EDUC-5102: Instructional Methods (New Scheme) | |
BS-Mathematics | MATH-101: Calculus-I |
MATH-5101: Calculus-I (New Scheme) | |
MATH-101: Calculus-I (Old Scheme) | |
ADP in IT | MATH-101: Calculus and Analytical Geometry |
BS-Software Engineering | MATH-101: Calculus and Analytical Geometry(New Scheme) |
MATH-2213: Calculus and Analytical Geometry (Old Scheme) | |
BS-Urdu | URD-113: Mathematics |
URCM-5101: Introduction to Mathematics(New Scheme) | |
URDU-113: Mathematics (Compulsory) (Old Scheme) | |
M.Sc (IT) | MATH-2215: Basic Mathematics |
BS-Geography | MATH-101: Algebra and Trigonometry (Old Scheme) |
URCM-5107: Mathematics-I (New Scheme) | |
BS-Geology | MATH-101: Algebra and Trigonometry |
URCM-5107: Mathematics-I | |
BS-Civil Technology | HU-111: Applied Mathematics-I (Old Scheme) |
MATH-111: Applied Mathematics-I (New Scheme) | |
BS-Mechanical Technology | HU-111: Applied Mathematics-I (Old Scheme) |
MATH-111: Applied Mathematics-I (New Scheme) | |
BS-Electrical Technology | HU-111: Applied Mathematics-I (Old Scheme) |
MATH-111: Applied Mathematics-I (New Scheme) | |
BS- Economics | MATH-104: Mathematics-I |
BS-Political Science | MATH-108:Basic Mathematics (Old Scheme) |
URCM-5107: Mathematics (New Scheme) | |
BS- International Relations | URCM-5107: Mathematics |
BS-English | ENG-103: Advance Reading Skills-I (Old Scheme) |
ENG-104: Advance Reading Skills-I (New Scheme) | |
M.A (English) | ENG-503: Fiction-I |
BS-Physics | PHYS-5101: Mechanics-I (New Scheme) |
PHYS-101: Mechanics-I (Old Scheme) | |
MBA (3.5 years) | BMGT-5103: Management Theory and Practice |
MBA (Executive) | BMAT-5103: Quantitative Business Analysis |
BS-Zoology | CHEM-101: Chemistry-I: Physical Chemistry |
CHEM-101: Physical Chemistry (Old Scheme) | |
CHEM-5101: Physical Chemistry (New Scheme) | |
M.Com | MCM-505: Managerial Economics |
28-06-2021 (Monday) | |
BBA | BMGT-3101: Introduction to Business |
BS- Economics | ECON-102: Principles of Micro Economics |
BS-Islamic Studies | BECO-104: Economics |
BS-Botany | ZOOL-5101: Animal Diversity-I (Invertebrates) (New Scheme) |
ZOL-101: Principles of Animal Life (Old Scheme) | |
BS-Zoology | ZOL-101: Principles of Animal Life-I (Old Scheme) |
ZOOL-5101: Animal Diversity-I (Invertebrates) (New Scheme) | |
BS-Chemistry | ZOOL-5101: Animal Diversity-I (Invertebrates) (New Scheme) |
ZOO-101/ZOL-101: Zoology-I | |
ZOL-101: Principles in Animal Life (Old Scheme) | |
PHYG-101:Mechanics-I, Waves & Oscillations(Old Scheme) | |
PHYS-5161: Physics-I (New Scheme) | |
BS-Physics | PHYS-102: Waves and Oscillations |
BS-Electrical Technology | GS-113: Applied Physics (Old Scheme) |
ET-114: Applied Physics (New Scheme) | |
BS-Civil Technology | CT-116: Material and Methods of Construction (Old Scheme) |
CT-115: Material and Methods of Construction (New Scheme) | |
BS-English | ENG-106: Sociology |
BS-Mechanical Technology | MT-114: Machining Processes (Old Scheme) |
MT-114: Applied Physics (New Scheme) | |
BS-Geology | GEOL-105: Introduction to Geology (Old Scheme) |
GEOL-5101: Introduction to Geology (New Scheme) | |
GEOL-101:General Geology | |
BS-Geography | GEOL-105: Introduction to Geology (Old Scheme) |
GEOL-5101: Introduction to Geology (New Scheme) | |
GEOG-105:Map Reading & Interpretation | |
BS-Education | EDU-504:Computer Applications |
EDUC-5103: Computer Applications | |
ADP in IT | ICTC-101:Introduction to ICT |
BS-Computer Science | ICTC-101: Introduction to ICT (New Scheme) |
ICT-2021: Introduction to ICT (Old Scheme) | |
BS-IT | ICTC-101: Introduction to ICT (New Scheme) |
IT-2021: Introduction to ICT(Old Scheme) | |
BS-Software Engineering | ICTC-101: Introduction to ICT (New Scheme) |
ICT-2021: Introduction to ICT (Old Scheme) | |
BS-Political Science | POL-122: Introduction to Political Science (Old Scheme) |
POLS-5101: Introduction to Political Science(New Scheme) | |
BS- International Relations | POLS-5101: Introduction to Political Science |
M.Sc (IT) | ICT-2011: Introduction to ICT |
BS-Psychology | COST-305: Computer Studies (New Scheme) |
CST-105: Computer Studies (Old Scheme) | |
BS-History | CST-103:Computer Application (Old Scheme) |
URCT-5105: Introduction to ICT (New Scheme) | |
BS-Mathematics | MATH-103: Number Theory (Old Scheme) |
MATH-5102: Elements of Set Theory and Mathematical Logic (New Scheme) | |
MATH-103: Elements of Set Theory and Mathematical Logic | |
BS-Urdu | URD-114: Psychology |
PSYC-5101: Introduction to Psychology (New Scheme) | |
URDU-115: Economics (Old Scheme) | |
M.A (English) | ENG-504: Prose-I |
MBA (Executive) | BMKT-5101: Principles of Marketing |
M.Com | MCM-504: Principles of Marketing |
MBA (3.5 years) | BMKT-5101: Principles of Marketing |
29-06-2021 (Tuesday) | |
BS-Botany | BOTN-5101: Diversity of Plants |
BOT-101: Diversity of Plants (New Scheme) | |
BS-Education | EDU-501:Introduction to Education |
EDUC-5101: Introduction to Education | |
BS-Zoology | BOT-101:Botany-I: Diversity of Plants |
BOTN-5101: Diversity of Plants(New Scheme) | |
BOT-111: Diversity of Plants (Old Scheme) | |
BS-Civil Technology | CT-114: Civil Engineering Drawing (Old Scheme) |
CT-114: Civil Engineering Drawing (New Scheme) | |
BS-Mechanical Technology | MT-115: Engineering Drawing (Old Scheme) |
MT-115: Engineering Drawing (New Scheme) | |
BS-Electrical Technology | ET-115: Engineering Drawing (Old Scheme) |
ET-115: Engineering Drawing (New Scheme) | |
BS-Software Engineering | CMPC-101: Programming Fundamentals (New Scheme) |
CMP-2122: Programming Fundamentals (Old Scheme) | |
BS-Computer Science | CMPC-101: Programming Fundamentals (New Scheme) |
CMP-2122: Programming Fundamentals (Old Scheme) | |
BS-IT | CMPC-101: Programming Fundamentals (New Scheme) |
CMP-2122: Programming Fundamentals (Old Scheme) | |
ADP in IT | PHYS-101:Basic Electronics |
M.Sc (IT) | CMP-2122: Programming Fundamentals |
BS-Islamic Studies | BISL-106:Arbi Zuban-o-Adab-I |
BS-Geography | ENVR-101: Introduction to Environmental Sciences (Old Scheme) |
ENVR-5101: Introduction to Environmental Sciences (New Scheme) | |
BS-English | ENG-103: History of English Literature |
BS- Economics | BMGT-405: Entrepreneurship |
BS-Political Science | ECO-206:Principle of Economics (Old Scheme) |
ECOM-5101:Principle of Economics (New Scheme) | |
POLS-5113: Constitutional Development in Pakistan | |
ULAW-5105: Introduction to Law | |
BS-International Relations | EVSC-5101: Introduction to Everyday Science |
BS-Geology | PHY-109: Mechanics-I |
PHYS-5101: Mechanics-I (New Scheme) | |
PHY-101:Mechanics-I (Old Scheme) | |
BS-Mathematics | PHY-101: Physics-I |
PHYS-5161: Physics-I (New Scheme) | |
PHY-101: Mechanics-I (Old Scheme) | |
BS-Urdu | URD-117: Poetic Genres-I |
URDU-5104: Poetic Genres (New Scheme) | |
URDU-117:Asnaf-e-Sher (Basic) (Old Scheme) | |
BS-History | POL-106:Introduction to Political Science (Old Scheme) |
POLS-5101:Introduction to Political Science (New Scheme) | |
M.A (English) | ENG-506: Literary Forms and Movements |
MBA (Executive) | BMGT-5107: Organizational Management |
BBA | BSSE-3102: Introduction to Psychology |
30-06-2021 (Wednesday) | |
BS-Software Engineering | PHYS-101:Applied Physics (New Scheme) |
PHY-2210: Basic Electronics (Old Scheme) | |
BS-Education | EDUC-5104: Fundamentals of Language & Linguistics |
BS-Urdu | URDU-5102: Persian (New Scheme) |
URD-115:Persian (Old Scheme) |
Note: Dates of Practical / Viva Voce Examination will be notified separately and provided to the Principals of concerned Colleges. The candidates are advised to remain in-touch with the Principals of concerned colleges for the purpose.

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